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Poster Presenters

Guidelines for Poster Presenters

Kindly be aware that this is not the final version and the Guidelines for presenters may be slightly adjusted. Please do check the guidelines again before the conference week. The followings are guidelines for ACCM12 in Hangzhou.

Onsite Poster Presentations

1. One panel will be available for each poster. The poster size should be 90 cm (Width) x 120 cm (Height).

2. All presenters are required to mount their papers one hour before their sessions. Presenters should post time slots of their presence on the panel and be present for interactive questions at the given time.

3. Onsite poster presenters can upload your poster presentation file  in the submission system.  This poster presentation file will be available on online ACCM12 Program during the whole conference week.

Online Poster Presentations

1. The Online poster presentation file should be in the PDF format. You can upload your poster presentation file in the submission system.  This PDF poster presentation file will be available on online ACCM12 Program during the whole conference week.

2. Online Interaction
A ZOOM conference on the date of poster sessions will be arranged for all poster presenting authors to discuss the details interactively. The poster presenting author is encouraged to upload a 3-5 mins pre-recorded video to introduce your poster. This video is optional and not required.

E-Poster Submission Guidelines

1. Format: .ppt or .pptx only
2. Size:  Please limit your PPT slide to one page only and make sure that the size of the document is within 20M.
3. Submission Procedure
a) Submission site for E-Poster is opened and Only abstracts that are accepted as E-Poster Presentation are required to submit the PPTs. 
b) Please log into the system with registered Email and password (Abstracts’ contributor account only). 
c) Click on the "Upload" button under the" Extended Abstract/Manuscript (ppt|pptx)" section first and read the submission instructions carefully. 
d) Click on the "Select File" button to select the .ppt / .pptx file from your computer first and start the uploading process.
e) Once the uploading process is complete and successful, you will be notified with a pop up window showing “UPLOAD SUCCEED”. You may download the uploaded document or re-upoad if modification is needed. 

ACCM12 Poster Template